" Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

interview with Somayya Khan

1.Personally do you have an interest in politics and the way in which the Media exploits propaganda?

*Yes.I believe that news is not reported ,its created.Mre often then not the masses are exploited by being fed a very biased view in order to protect government intrests.I believe that the media has become an oppressive force and are able to easily sway the views of our countrymen.It has ultimatly become threat and an abrasive force based on falsity rather than a channel via which truth and reality prevails.

2. Do you know what the Media Tribunal entails, if so, what do you think it does entail?

I*t represents a repressive act against the media by the government by regulating what can be reported and what can be constituted a state secret.It purpose would b to serve the intrest of the elite few instead of reporting to the masses what can 'at times' be considerd pertint information for the intrest of the majority.IT is a gross violation of public intrest and our 'Right to know'

3. I have collaborated an article that centres around President Jacob Zuma and how he is recently trying to contradict the constitution freedom of expression rights and I have analysed what 3 parties views are on this dilemma: The ANC, ANCYL and the DA. Helen Zille said in response to the media tribunal that “the gravest legislative threat to our constitution since 1994...” Do you perhaps agree? Please give reason with your answer.

*.Yes I agree.it is indeed an assault on our democracy and will most certainly criminalise investigative journalism.I fully support Zilles stance on this issue.

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