" Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Universities are the main form of higher learning institutions in the 21st century; however universities have drastically changed and essentially become what we are accustomed to. Universities throughout history have been a place where individuals have come to learn but the conditions and characteristic of these learning institutions have morphed since its’ conception. Every individual has a different experience at university but the theme of knowledge and self-betterment is something that all students have in common.
My experiences of university life, like the development of universities, has changed drastically. When I first attended university, I was very different but its not hard for me to make friends as i am quite a friendly person . When I became actively involved in academics, I soon found a wide range of individuals that share similar interests and formed bonds. It is ultimately the facilitation of these relationships that allowed my university experience to be enhanced. The memories and experiences that we have shared collectively is something that I will treasure forever and reminisce on in my later life.
 The advancement and development of universities over the past centuries is something that is rather spectacular. It has changed from an institution discriminatory based on gender and religious bias to an institution focused on higher education, equality and social interaction. My experiences at university are different from others, but they are unique moments that I will cherish forever. The universities may have changed along with the students experiences, but their purpose derived from Latin origin will still continue, and that is a collection of teachers and students gathered together on the basis of broadening their knowledge and insight.

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