" Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

**Week 4 **

I am in Tutorial group 7 and the topic given to my group is about "The Media Tribunal" in South Africa. the media tribunal is all about suppressing the freedom of the media.
lindiwe Mazibuko, the DA's national spokesperson insisted: "This is a false choice, as the ANC would in either scenario be dictating media regulation. This has severe implications for media freedom and freedom of expression in South Africa."A basic tenet of democracy is a free media and the freedom of citizens to receive and impart information, as guaranteed to South Africans in our Bill of Rights. With the exception of the two constitutional limitations on this right, the government should never seek to interfere with the execution of these freedoms.  

"The ANC has used every excuse in the book to justify the establishment of a MAT - from 'protecting the poor' to 'preventing inaccurate reporting'. With local and international pressure to abandon these plans, the governing party is now attempting to use threats to dictate the terms upon which the press must regulate itself."- I-Net Bridge (News24)

That's just a little incite as to what the media tribunal uproar is all about. Essentially what the new bill entails,  if it is passed the  government would have he final say as to what is published in the media. 

My team consist of just two people initially it was four people but due to the lack of contribution from our team mates we split the group up . My colleague Sabah Ismail and  and myself have divided the Media tribunal topic  for our Draft into a sub topic of how the ANC ( African National Congress), DA( Democratic Alliance) and the ANCYL (African National Congress Youth League) all react to this amendment. After a lot of hard work and reading Sabah and myself have managed to write our draft.

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